Our Tribe

Our Tribe

We are so blessed to have a wonderful selection of Yoga teachers, here at Kiva & Zen Yoga Studio, who offer both guidance and expertise from their own experiences. So no matter your level there will be a practice for you to enjoy.


Charlie was drawn to Ashtanga as a strength and flexibility focused yoga style to maintain a strong healthy body to keep life playful. Working with the breath throughout the practice maintains balance in the nervous system to support emotional and mental wellbeing. Charlie’s classes are fun and informal incorporating elements of her Hatha and Yin training along with Ashtanga. 

Charlie loves to share the things that enrich her life so promotes yoga for all working with modifications and props used to make postures accessible for everyone.

Charlie teaches a weekly Ashtanga class and will start a Yin and sound bath evening class soon.


Nikki has been teaching yoga for over 15 years. She runs classes, courses and teacher trainings here in Exeter and holds a couple of retreats each year for those students wanting a deeper immersion to the practise.

As a long time teacher and student you will find her classes full of love and passion for the practise. Dynamic, strong, grounded and wholesome with intentions to the deep philosophy that resonates through this ancient beautiful yoga practise.


The use of mantra or ‘Naad yoga’ is an integral part of Kundalini yoga. This focuses the mind and its vibrations resonate deeply within the body, helping to unblock stored emotions and strengthen the circulation of energy through the body. Naad Yoga and the use of primal sound are very efficient at clarifying the mind and optimising the ability to reach a state of meditation.

Please click on the button below for Graham’s Class information to be confirmed.


You will find my classes informal, friendly and welcoming. Through studying and teaching yoga I’ve enjoyed learning about different people’s individual and unique yoga practices and what their version of yoga brings to them.

I love supporting people in their yoga journey and creating space for people to develop their practice. In my classes you will find space to grow and explore your practice, find magic in the simplest of stretch’s and build towards postures that may have seemed daunting or inaccessible in the past.

I use a mixture of styles and props, alongside breathing techniques and an accessible range of levels for key postures. 


I’m a passionate, modern yogi, yoga teacher and a forever student, learning and evolving through my own personal development journey.  I am an adventure lover and I strive to live my life as authentically as possible.

I love to create wholesome and nurturing events, courses and coaching programmes, supporting both individuals and yoga teachers in building the life (and business) they want.  I encourage an inclusive environment for you to feel supported and safe within your own bodies and space.


Ali is a Physio and Pilates instructor, whose classes combine traditional Pilates with innovative techniques and gentle layering for a unique, inclusive and enjoyable class experience.

At the core of Ali’s teaching philosophy is her innate ability to cultivate a warm, nurturing, and undeniably fun atmosphere. Her sessions are an invitation to celebrate your personal journey and achievements, all while challenging body and mind in the most positive and uplifting way.

She’s always on the hunt for innovative Pilates methods and equipment, seamlessly incorporating tools like Pilates balls, rollers, blocks and bands to enrich the class experience.

Ali’s classes are fun, supportive, and designed to celebrate your personal achievements as individuals, making each session your own exploration of movement, breath and growth.


Join me in discovering the transformative power of Vinyasa Flow Yoga in my dynamic and grounding classes. Each class offers a blend of breath and movement, guiding you through fluid sequences that strengthen the body, calm the mind, and leave you feeling rejuvenated. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, my class caters to all levels, with modifications provided to suit individual needs. Join for an energising and uplifting experience as we flow through asanas with grace and intention, leaving you refreshed, centred, and inspired. Come breathe, move, and find your flow!


Nancy is a chartered physiotherapist and has been teaching yoga and pilates for 16 years . Originally trianed in Sivinanda yoga, Nancy incorporates a blend of all of her own practcies and experiances into her teaching thorugh hatha, ashtanga,vinyasana flow,  anusara, yin and womb yoga. She knows how to keep you safe when entering in and out and holding of poses.

Nancy runs a monthly Sunday evening yoga class around the full moon which consists of a slow gentle and grounding yoga flow with some held postures and added massage to deepen your experience into relaxation and letting go.

My Instagram is: nancyogaphysio 

Facebook: nancy osborne-physio led yoga &pilates in Exeter